The Story Teller
We all have The Story Teller within us, he/ she is called many names. The new name I'm calling mine is 'The Story Teller'. Let me explain about the Story Teller, it is the part of us that is our inner critic, saboteur, ego, small self and it does 4 things. It protects us, avoids, controls or makes someone right and its insidious in how it does this. There are means to be aware of its insidious ways; here is one of the ways that has created space for giving me awareness. Noticing the Story you are telling yourself... about EVERYTHING! Challenge yourself, your story...How true is it REALLY? Do you know this 100% for sure? Is this 100% based on facts? or something you are making up to fit a scenario you "think" is happening? Fear is #1 in the Story category and our unconscious fears are the biggest obstacles. What is an unconscious fear? A fear that is completely out of our awareness, we don't recognize it as fear. We are so accustomed to believing this ...