The Purpose of Relationships
When your relationship is new, exciting and fresh. We have a tendency to create a perception of that person, by what they tell us about themselves and the story we make up to fit what we want to see in that person. I call this a perceptual image; you put your all into the relationship your highest dream of what you are to that significant other. Its a mix of how well the other lives up to your ideas, and how well you saw yourself living up to his/ hers.
As time goes by you begin to see a piercing of this image. You see the image you envisioned was an illusion of what you were told by this person and what you wanted them to be for you. And more importantly you see Yourself in relation to this person/relationship, it becomes clear on where your unconscious beliefs are about love and relationships. This relationship is a mirror to your relationship to the Self, your true Self. Self honesty, self inquiry, and taking full responsibility for your own relationship to yourself is first and foremost. Letting go of the perceptual image and the only focus is how you are 'being' in relation to the other.
In relationship is the honoring, cherishing and love of the Self, you must first fall in love with yourself. Accept, trust and be willing to see your Self in how you show up and what you accept as loving to YOU from another. Become honest about your feelings, expressing them in a constructive and meaningful way; this is so important.
Relationships are not about getting from the other what you don't have for yourself; its about giving and sharing your own completeness. And the willingness to grow, evolve as individuals and in relation to one another. Everyone is responsible for themselves, loving themselves, and giving themselves what they need to feel wholeness. Not expecting another to give them what they are not wanting or willing to give themselves. Know that no one can truly love you in all your magnificence if they don't love themselves. Awareness in how someone treats themselves, respects themselves is a clear demonstration of their capacity to how they love you.
The highest purpose of a relationship is the evolution of your Soul, as one who knows oneself to be. Soul work, a grand understanding, a grand remembering... relationships are a tool, a mirror to the creation of Self realization and your highest conceptualization of the Self.
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