Emotional Awareness Part 2

Part 2  of emotional awareness is fear.  Our fear is the most prevalent number one emotion that blocks us, creates imbalance and keeps us from living our dreams.  We miss opportunities, don't connect with others and inhibit our emotional growth. Fear is a multidimensional part of our human-ness and for many of us it is driving our 'bus'.

The most debilitating fears are the ones out of our awareness - the unconscious fears.  I didn't recognize how they limited my joy, fulfillment and freedom. Through the lens of fear; we sometimes alter our behavior and become inauthentic which keeps us small and suppressed in an unnatural form of being,  a state of resistance.

All in the name of an unwarranted fear that is playing in the back ground of my life, that I've become so accustomed to that it is unrecognizable to me. And yet in many cases I'd wonder why parts of my life weren't working or why I felt something was missing.  These were indications for me to take a look inside and ask the powerful questions that can lead me to uncover the unconscious fears.

Where do these unconscious fears come from? They originate from our past experiences and circumstances. And the story we tell ourselves about it, our perception of the experience or circumstance. This becomes a false belief or limiting belief that impedes our emotional growth and many aspects of our lives.

Many times throughout this journey my fears have become so unmanageable I had to find a way to change.  Only through my willingness to change, my practiced awareness, journaling, and my spiritual practice am I able to implement a new way of Being. Where I can experience true joy, love and freedom in my life. I'm truly committed to facing my obstacles and seeking only Truth in all I come up against.  Transcending all things that no longer serve me...


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